We believe aligning investors and government will help revive the American Dream.

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The opportunity

A Generational Window of Opportunity to Harness Capital Markets

A bipartisan consensus has emerged on the need for public policy to encourage private investment to advance the national interest including objectives such as reshoring U.S. manufacturing, reinvesting in overlooked places, and advancing job quality and retirement security for American workers.

A Disconnect Between Policymakers and Investors Blocks Progress

Too often, government and capital markets are not on the same page. This disconnect can result in policies intended to mobilize investors getting underused or abused.


Lafayette Square Institute Aims to Bridge the Gap Between Policymakers and Investors

We provide US policymakers across the political spectrum with the insights, data, and resources needed to mobilize private investment to generate prosperity for more people.

Our affiliation with Lafayette Square Holding Company, LLC,
 a national investment platform, enables us to access real-time insights from investment professionals. We utilize the analytical capabilities of Potomac X Lafayette Square, a data platform 
analyzing socioeconomic challenges in US communities, to 
promote the interests of American workers and families.

Identifying Policy Opportunities to Move Markets

Leveraging our unique position and data capabilities, we deliver policy recommendations aimed at increasing economic opportunity and driving positive change for underserved people and in overlooked places.

Learn more about our thought leadership and data analytics below:

About Us

Check out our mission and receive a brief history of Lafayette Square Institute and our team.

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